Questions to Ask a Thai Woman
First meetups and dates are among the most complex events for most men, especially if they are to date someone from a foreign culture. More often than not, men are eager to get a good first impression from the woman they are dating. Thus, every man’s preparation on a date should not just end at wearing the best clothes or bringing the woman to a much expensive restaurant. Topics to be talked about, mainly appropriate questions must also be thought thoroughly in order to have an effective communication and to score succeeding dates as well.

Some men did not consider the above-mentioned things and as a result, their dates usually ended up with women being insulted or worst, not keeping in touch after the initial meeting anymore. Thus, you have to keep in mind that in dating Thai women, you have to think about culture, mostly the dating culture in Thailand; this is because it might be one of the factors that would create a barrier between you and your ideal Thai woman. You must be creative enough in formulating questions so that your date won’t have a boring dating experience with you.
To have a more romantic and successful date with single Thai girls, be sensitive to what they might feel by filtering the words that come out of your mouth. When you wish to ask a set of personal questions, be sure to be extra tactful so you won’t hit her below the belt. Also, do not just settle with yes-no questions. Let the woman speak up as well. In that way, you can know more about her. Thus, be communicative as much as you can.
In order to help you in dealing well with your Thai woman during first dates, we are providing you with tips on how to communicate with Thai women efficiently. Here are few of the questions to ask and not to ask a Thai woman:
Common Questions to Ask on the First Date
Who are your family members and friends and what do they love doing?
To spice up your date with an unforgettable experience, talk about some sensible things like family or friends. You may ask where she fits in the order of her siblings or ask about her parents--- what they do during their weekend breaks or who they are as parents. Any questions regarding her family will do as long as you’ll not dig on their family issues.

On that note, you may also ask about her social circle--- who her friends are, who she hangs out with most of the time and the like. Always remember that you ought not to dwell too much on the very personal side of the story. Being mindful of your words is a must especially when you are talking to a foreign woman. You might insult her without you knowing it, so you have to be careful or better yet, learn some of their family and social cultures.
What religion are you practicing?
Religion may be a good subject for a conversation since most of the women in Thailand are truly religious. However, keep in mind that this topic is definitely sensitive, so do not ask something deep like raising skeptical questions about their beliefs. They won’t like it. You can just simply ask what religion she practices, when did she decide to adhere to the tenets of her religion, or how often she attends church. You can just end right there.
What is your signature dish in cooking?
Additionally, most Thai brides are good at the kitchen. Asking her about food will be a brilliant move. Ask about her favorite dish to cook, how much she loves cooking and how often does she cook. If she’s not into cooking, you can just simply ask for her favorite food and find a shared interest to talk more about. You may also ask if she prefers to cook her own food or not.
How do you spend your weekend?
Aside from that, asking the woman you are dating about how she spends her weekend is a great idea too. This might be a good start of opening herself to you by telling you some of her hobbies. It can also lead to interesting topics which you both can talk about. Through your conversation, you’ll get to have new ideas about where to bring her the next time she agrees to have a date with you.
Questions to Avoid Asking
How’s your past sex life? / Have you ever experienced sex?
If you wish to have a smooth-sailing and romantic date with one of these women, avoid asking sensitive and offensive questions. To avoid spoiling your very own date, do not mention anything with regards to sexual topics. Thailand women will feel insulted if you start asking about something sensual. At the moment you ask such question, she will think you are after that alone and not for a serious relationship like what she’s been looking to have with you.
How much is your monthly earning?

Moreover, if you ask about money-related questions like how much she earns monthly will make you appear rude. Thus, avoid that question or even bragging about how much you earn. A direct question like this is automatically a major turn off. You may open this topic up when you are both getting into a more serious phase.
What went wrong with your past relationship?
Another thing is, never ever ask anything in relation to her previous relationship if you don’t want her to get uncomfortable talking to you. While she is on a date with you, do not make her reminisce about her awful past just because you made a wrong move through asking. As much as it sounds rude, that thing would not be your business anymore, thus, it’s better not to talk about it.
Are you pro or anti-monarchy?
Political questions are not ideal queries when you are on a date with Thai women. There have been hot issues lurking online regarding Thailand’s political status recently, and it may not be a good idea of welcoming your Thai date with this topic. Whatever her political views may be, it may not be proper to raise a question regarding it during your first date. Anyway, you can ask her with that when you’ve know each other longer and better.
By learning all of these, you can eventually have a potential wife in the future. Be easy on her and focus more on having a light and spontaneous conversation with her. That’s the only key to win her!
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